Patient Testimonials
Discover what our patients have to say regarding their office visit, surgical experience or recovery process. We also encourage our existing patients to share their own experience!
Jon Harrison
- Right Hip Resurfacing

I suffered for three years with horrible right hip pain, had a right hip resurface 1/03/2011 left the hospital two days later walking with a walker for one day. I then used a cane for three days walking 2 miles finally in April worked up to 35 to 50 miles a week. I advised DR Pritchett I had run over 80,000 miles in my life, although 61 still wanted to run. He had me wait until labor day since then I run 3 miles EOD with no pain. I was advised in Tacoma to have a full hip and never run again, thanks Dr Pritchett for giving me my life back the way I want to live it! I am pictured in Salzburg Austria enjoying a PAIN FREE vacation. A little beer but no Advil since February!
Greg S
- Shoulder Resurfacing

Dr. Pritchett: I wanted to let you know that I won a professional golf tournament just seven months after your resurfaced my shoulder. I had been told by several other surgeons that my career was over. I can't thank you enough. I am playing better than ever.
Andy P
- Revision of ASR Hip Resurfacing

I had both my hips resurfaced with the Depuy ASR. When my hip implants were recalled the only option I was offered was removal of my entire resurfacing implants and placement of complete total hip replacements. I am so glad I did not do that and I found you instead. You were able to revise my recalled ASR hip socket on my left hip to a new polyethylene socket. I had a very easy recovery and I was able to keep all my bone and my existing resurfacing femur. I can do anything I want now including all my sports. You were the only one that had any experience with my problem and I am grateful for your creativity. I am coming back for my right side in a few months.
Mary M
- Ceramic Hip Resurfacing

I was extremely frustrated because I could not find a surgeon to help me with my crippling arthritis and strong metal allergies. I was told by everyone else I saw that my only option was a total hip replacement. I was afraid. I was offered a plastic socket and ceramic ball. I would still have a metal stem in my femur and there would be metal backing of my socket. You placed ceramic coated resurfacing implants with a cross linked polyethylene socket liner. I have no pain and no worries. I can do anything I want. Thanks for everyting Dr. Pritchett you were my last hope!
- Hip Resurfacing

For the first time in my life I can walk, run and move normally. I was able to have children and now can keep up with them in all their sports and activities. Because of child bearing I was advised not have a metal on metal hip resurfacing but Dr. Pritchett found a way to give me a ceramic on polyethylene hip resurfacing. I had a limp all my life but now its gone along with the pain. My life is normal in every way. Thank you
Dr B
- Birmingham Hip Resurfacing

I am able to live a complete and full life after my hip resurfacing procedure. I am a proud member of the Yakima, Washington SWAT team and I can perform physically at the highest possible level Thanks to you. Dr. Pritchett JB
- Revision Resurfacing

Jim: Congratulations on your paper on revision hip resurfacing. Resurfacing is here to stay! Harlan Amstutz MD Designer of the the Conserve Hip Resurfacing
- Polyethylene Resurfacing

Jim: Thanks to you polyethylene hip resurfacing is alive and well! Fred Buechel MD FACS
Paul W
- bilateral hip resurfacing

When you dream the impossible, the incredible can come true. Obviously I would not have gotten there without your help. Thank you again, Paul
Larry M
- complex revision hip surgery

Thank you for all you've done and continue to do for me. Without you, I'm sure I wouldn't be riding my bike at all let alone like this. You have been for me no matter what. Larry.
- hip resurfacing

I just completed a 150 mile bike ride and hiked and climbed the South Summit of The Brothers Mountain. My hip felt good.
- shoulder and hip resurfacing

Dr. Pritchett: You are my hero. I can Kayak all day in rough water and with my resurfaced shoulder I can do 40 pushups and 25 arm curls. I could none of this before. Thanks for the expert care.
- thumb implant

Thanks for the left thumb implant. This works many times better than the tendon they used on my right thumb. I have much better strength on my left side and I have the power to do anything I want now. I wish I had two of the thumbs implants.
- hip resurfacing

Dr. Pritchett: Thanks for fixing my hip. I was able to lead our trip following the long horn sheep. We did not anticipate this need but I was able to keep ahead of a grizzly bear so I can definitely move fast!
- Knee Replacement

After years of having a deformed knee and terrific grinding I now have a straight knee and a smooth feeling. I can ski all day. I won our racket ball event and I have moved on to singles tennis events from holding my partner back in doubles. Your skill and my Persona Knee are the reason and I am thankful every day.